About us

JohnJohn© Janet Allen

Although it's OUR edible garden, John has been primarily involved in its design, planting, and maintenance (though Janet participates in the harvesting and cooking—no small tasks…)

John learned a lot about gardening from his grandparents when he was growing up and hopes to share his knowledge with his three grandsons when they're old enough.

JanetJanet© Janet Allen

Janet works more on our habitat garden, described in more detail in Our Habitat Garden website.

We're both involved in working to invent a sustainable, yet very satisfying lifestyle described in Our Green "Good Life".

Other activities

John is the founder of Edible Gardening CNY, a group that has monthly informational programs about edible gardening from local experts. Just as important, it provides an opportunity for homeowners to learn from and inspire each other.

John is also active in Habitat Gardening in Central New York and has worked with some local community gardens.

He's also involved with bicycling organizations, working with local government to extend and improve bicycling options in Central New York, especially for bicycle commuting, not just recreation. Before retirement, he bicycled to work most days—even in our Central New York winters.


John is a Toastmaster and has achieved his Advanced Communicator Gold certification.

Contact him at eg.cny /at/ verizon.net if your CNY group would like him to speak about edible gardening topics. (Substitute "@" for "/at/" and eliminate spaces.)

Other information about John

  • Williams College B.A. in Biology
  • Syracuse University: M.S. in Science Education
  • Syracuse University Law School: J.D.